NEW RELEASE - Coloring Under The Covers, Vol 1
I'm very happy to be involved in this exciting new project! You can now colour the Eraser cover in your own style, learn more about other authors and add new books to your TBR, all while raising money for a worthy cause!
Stock will also be available from my STORE soon!

Welcome to the world of Coloring under the Covers: Volume 1… Do you enjoy reading and getting to know the authors who create your fictional worlds? Use this coloring book to fulfill your artistic side and relax while adding to your “To Be Read” list. Meet the authors you know and discover new ones. Take this coloring book to events—have the author sign their page, color the cover, then pick up the e-book or the paperback and see what all the fuss is about. With easy-to-follow QR links to the books with our featured covers, as well as the authors’ websites, this is the ultimate reference for the “must read” books of the year. Be on the lookout for future volumes as you color for a cause. Each volume will help support a different charity each quarter. Coloring under the Covers … accept no substitutes.
Grab your fancy pencils and a glass of wine and prepare yourself to spend a relaxing time putting your artistic spin on some of the most beloved book covers on the market!

Our mission at the LifeAfter Project is to help others, plain and simple. We aim to support research and provide educational content designed to inspire and spread awareness for suicide prevention, substance abuse and domestic abuse throughout our nation and to all nations around the world.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Hours are 24/7. Toll free – 800 -273-TALK (8255).
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. 4th leading cause for adults 15 – 64
Each year 42,773 Americans die by suicide (Approximately 117 per day)
For each suicide, 25 others attempt it (Total of 1,069,325)
Suicide costs the US 44 Billion annually
Females attempt suicide 3 times more often than males
90% of all who die of suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death
25 million Americans suffer from depression
Over half of the suicides in America stems from depression
More Americans suffer from depression than coronary heart disease, cancer, and HIV/AIDS
Depression is among the most treatable of psychiatric illnesses. Between 80 – 90% of people with depression respond positively to treatment, and almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms. However, first, depression has to be recognized.
At Beyond DEF and E-BookBuilders, we love books. We edit, design, ghostwrite, market, layout, and all things in-between. And don’t get us started on the books we read aside from the ones we see for work.
Tiffany Fox is the Redhead behind Beyond DEF; she’s the editor’s editor.
Deena Rae is the Amazon behind E-BookBuilders.
Between them, they have worked on some of the most amazing books on the shelves since 2010. They want to share their love of book covers with you in this coloring book.
Each two-page spread contains a cover for you to “design” as your own, as well as the book description and author information. We have included easy-to-navigate QR Codes to aid in purchasing the book or stalking the author.

Tiffany Fox is a graduate of Missouri Southern State University with a Bachelor of Science in sociology. Currently, she is pursuing her Master of Arts in publishing. Since 2012, she has dedicated her life to her passion for literature. Tiffany has focused her skills on creative marketing strategies to further help authors achieve their literary goals. In the last couple of years, she has pushed her horizons in publishing and event coordinating with several successful author events called Indie Mashup. Along with her passion for marketing, her obvious obsession for books has allowed Tiffany to become a pivotal reference expert in editorial publishing. Authors are guided in an extensive, hands-on approach as she edits their manuscript, molding it into a beautifully polished novel.

Deena Rae is the Digital Director of The Book Connection and owner of E-BookBuilders. With 20 years in the background of professional independent publishing, she took the plunge and decided to do it full-time in an effort to help move The Book Connection into the e-publishing arena. As a formatter who uses HTML, she has made E-Book Builders the company to depend on for difficult-to-format manuscripts and non-fiction. Even with a multitude of best-selling authors on her client list, she is more than prepared to take a new author and show them the process and answer any questions an aspiring author might have.
Allan B. Anderson
VC Birlidis
Louann Carroll
M. Clarke
Anne Conley
A.M. Cosgrove
Kelly Cozzone
Kristi Cramer
Al Daltry
Nina D'Angelo
Tricia Daniels
Mia Darien
Danielle DeVor
DM Earl
KJ Farnham
DL Gallie
Amber Garza
A. M. Gillham
K. S. Haigwood
S. E. Hall
Leddy Harper
Agnes Jayne
Diantha Jones
Hunter S. Jones
Megan Keith
D. Kelly
Leia Madison
Wren Michaels
Jax Newman
LeTeisha Newton
Katelynn Pinson
Sean Poindexter
Dawna Raver
Diane Rinella
Lillie J. Roberts
Stacey Rourke
Lori Saltis
Ahren Sanders
SL Schiefer and Jen Cousineau
Nikki Sparxx
C. Streetlights
Ashley Suzanne
Jennifer Theriot
Tara Vasser
Jas T Ward
Alexandrea Weis
Gina Whitney
Maer Wilson
***ALL covers used with permission of the authors, publishers, AND cover designers.***